Posts Tagged: 2

Top 5 – Ways to Handle a Boring Meeting

Top 5 – Ways to Handle a Boring Meeting I’m writing a little series on Top 5s. I’ll write my top 5s on various topics and I encourage you to write yours. Meetings can be super boring. Thus we need survival mechanisms. Here’s my top 5 survival mechanisms. 1 – Blackberry messenger – most GoviesRead… Read more »

Plain Language Anyone?

How much attention do the various nooks and crannies within our sprawling organism called “government” pay to writing, speaking, posting, or tweeting in plain language? During the interviews that resulted in my becoming a technical writer/editor with ATF, one hiring decision maker stressed that one of my tasks would be to “show [the department] howRead… Read more »

I work for the government and I am NOT the enemy

It seems that the country is becoming more and more polarized. Right wingers have become far-right-wingers, and left wingers are moving far-left, all are becoming wing-nuts. I’ve been a federal employee for (gulp) 25 years and it’s rarely been something to be “proud” of to non federal people, i.e. the general public. Perception of federalRead… Read more »

GovGives: Help a GovLooper Achieve a Dream – Cancer, Slovakia, Triplets & Medical Bills

GovLoop is more than a website, more than a social network…it truly is a community. And as a community, we’ve launched an Acquisitions 2.0 movement, created radio shows, given over $20,000 to charity via Kiva, helped kids with diabetes through the AwesomeGov Fund, and helped put people in jobs. And when someone in the communityRead… Read more »

Why did DoD call it “Internet-based Capabilities?”

As many of you know, last Friday the DoD released a Directive Type Memo on the “Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-Based Capabilities“. Many may be wondering, “Why not call it the “Social Media” policy or “Web 2.0” or even “SNS” policy? As someone who has spent the better part of the last seven monthsRead… Read more »

The New New GovLoop….

I’m jazzed to announce “the new new govloop”…. We’ve been spending the last few months working behind on the scenes on a number of items designed to be make govloop more useful to you, the community. 1 – Homepage redesign – As you see, we’ve streamlined the home page to make it much cleaner andRead… Read more »