Posts Tagged: 2

Government Conference Facilities?

What if the government had its own conference facilities? Arguable the military already does, if conference organizers utilize their service academy facilities. But what about civilian agencies? Check out the National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia, it’s amazing and a short drive from Washington, DC. Could that be used by other agencies? What otherRead… Read more »

Challenge: Be Happy at Work

A good friend of mine sent me this article, and thought its recommendations worth trying out for a week: – “How to Be Happy at Work”. Here are my top five new rules: I keep my morning hug and kiss from my bride and kids with me all day I count the number ofRead… Read more »

Sh*t Bureaucrats Say

I rarely just re-post a video on my blog these days, however this is a must-see for my government/public sector readers. I think I heard about 50% of those phrases and acronyms from my clients this week alone (lol). I hope this new SBS YouTube Channel fills up with more videos soon. Enjoy. Original post

Facebook says no to employers logging into applicants profiles

An article on Mashable reports that Facebook has decided that it’s time to take a stand against employers who insist on logging into applicants Facebook accounts. The practice is against Facebooks Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Chief Privacy Officer for Facebook Erin Egan, who released the statement affirming Facebook’s commitment to fighting this practice, hadRead… Read more »

Telework – A Rose by Any Other Name?

We’ve got a problem. It’s the word “telework.” The picture it conveys is that of an employee working in a home office (with or without bunny slippers) on an approved one-day-a-week schedule typing away at a computer. Is this really what we are hoping for in promoting the telework concept? I think not. We areRead… Read more »