Posts Tagged: 9/11

Let’s Make Sure that September 11th Isn’t Just Another Day!

GovLoopers – Join the thousands of Americans who will be volunteering to serve others during the September 11th weekend. Since this is the 10th anniversary of September 11th, we all should make a commitment to serve others. Watch this video and go to to post your 9/11 Tribute for this year, mentioning whatever goodRead… Read more »

Krontiris on Mobile Justice

Kate Krontiris of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and the MIT Sloan School of Management — and a member of our community — has released two new posts on the topic of “mobile justice”: Mobile Justice in 500 Words, and On the Many Manifestations of “Mobile Justice,” on her tumblr. In the first post, Ms.Read… Read more »

Targeted Killings: What impact will this have on US use-of-force policies.

The killing of Osama Bin Laden underlies the correct use of force against what might be known as a “ticking bomb”. There is no question in anyone’s mind that the perpetrators of 9/11 are guilty of one of the most heinous crimes against humanity, the indiscriminate slaying of 3000 Americans with no provocation other thanRead… Read more »

Questions for Journalists, Politicians and Police Departments about Public Information Access

When Bradley Tech, a troubled Milwaukee public high school, had to be locked down and receive massive police support to stop a fight involving gang members and kids from other schools, the most important issue is not about the school, the 18 arrests, the gangs, the fight, or the police response. It’s about having noRead… Read more »

9/11 War Criminals to be tried in Civil Court–Just a bad idea

Headlines: WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The alleged mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and four others will be sent for prosecution in a criminal court in New York from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, an Obama administration official said on Friday. The decision today by the Obama administration toRead… Read more »