Posts Tagged: war

The War Rages On

I have a confession to make. A really awful one. Something dark, so creepy it makes my skin crawl. I pray, dear reader, that the fog of post-New Year’s bacchanalia takes the edge off for you. Are you ready? Here it is: I agree with Bill O’Reilly on something. As unbelievable as this may seem,Read… Read more »

Summer camp games DO teach useful skills- like financial fraud…

(This is my first blog-esque post ever. So, sorry…) Remember that game Sharks And Minnows? Where one person was the shark and you had to swim with a group from one side of the pool to the other without getting tagged? Safety in numbers was the lesson then, especially because the game got progressively harderRead… Read more »

What’s the Matter with Kansas?

It’s good to be back after a few weeks on the road. I knew my trip to Kansas would provide fodder for the blog. First, I’ll admit it: I am a latte-drinking, coastal-living (until recently), blue-state elitist. But every time I go on an obligatory trip to the “heartland” (and obligatory is the only reasonRead… Read more »