Posts Tagged: federal workforce

Cybersecurity and the Missing Workforce

Government increasingly spends more time, money, and effort into strengthening cybersecurity. But is government getting the return on such investments that it should? (ISC)2, the largest not-for profit membership body of certified information and software security professionals worldwide, recently released its seventh Global Information Workforce Study (GISWS) in partnership with Booz Allen Hamilton, Cyber 360Read… Read more »

Tactics of the Ideal Cyber Workforce

With constant emerging technologies and our increasing dependence on electronic devices, cybersecurity affects everyone. Whether it is highly confidential data that you handle at your workplace or your personal banking information, you probably have some form of electronic information that you’d like to keep private and secure. We all need cybersecurity knowledge. For cyber professionals,Read… Read more »

What is a Veteran?  

The other day, as I sat among an honored crowd of Veterans, I wept quietly for a number of reasons. You see, my youngest children both are in schools where Veterans are honored in beautifully displayed ceremonies full of patriotic pomp and circumstance. I sat there as the only woman Veteran. I sat there asRead… Read more »

The Importance of “Diversity Thinking” — and Compliance

All federal employees should be mindful of the importance of workforce diversity, especially federal managers. Executive Order 13583 was signed by President Obama in August 2011: Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce. According to E.O. 13583: “Our Nation derives strength from the diversity of its population andRead… Read more »

New Campaign Seeks to Improve Public Perception of Feds

It’s no secret the federal workforce has been treated like a punching bag for too long. Public animosity towards government is one factor contributing to low morale among feds. Poor morale may lead to decreased productivity and increased indifference to mission-related work. Other detrimental repercussions associated with low morale include employee disengagement and absenteeism. NowRead… Read more »

Equal Pay Act Turns 50: Female Feds Fare Better Than Private Sector Counterparts

Is equal pay or gender-based wage bias a problem in your workplace? In case you missed it, June 10 marked the half-century anniversary of the Equal Pay Act, which prohibits gender-based wage discrimination in employment. One might think that pay equity for women would have been reached after 50 years. Alas, this goal remains fleeting.Read… Read more »

So, What Does This Mean For Feds? The Fiscal Cliff Deal

So, what does all this mean for feds? First, the fiscal cliff agreement doesn’t address the pay freeze for federal workers in any way. The bill that would extend the pay freeze for feds is a separate piece of legislation, which passed in the House with a sizeable majority, 287-129, but has not been broughtRead… Read more »

Director of Innovate FDA Discusses Progress in Workforce Planning

We depend on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure that the medical innovations are safe and effective. Director of Innovate FDA and PEW Health Expert, Kathleen Stratton, has said, “FDA has a critical mission to promote and protect the public health and we should all care about their ability to do that.” ChrisRead… Read more »

Presidential Election: Voter Guide for Feds

Pay and benefits, jobs and management, the scope and size of the U.S. Government — these are some of the major issues at stake for federal employees during this Presidential election. The next Administration will impact the entire federal workforce and the future of Uncle Sam. Both candidates have laid out starkly different visions andRead… Read more »

Supporting Women in the Federal Workforce: FEW Represents the Many

Recently in the news, there has been a significant amount of buzz around the importance of women in the upcoming election. With many women’s issues hotly debated between candidates at the federal, state, and local level, women have been highlighted as a key voting block to influence election outcomes this November. Long before the mediaRead… Read more »