Posts By Dr D.C.Misra

2009 iGov Research Institute, University of Washington and Seattle,

Sharon Dawes informs me that doctoral students from all countries are invited to apply for this week-long, intensive residential program on the impact of information and communication technologies on government and governance. The iGov Research Institute is a program of the Center for Technology in Government at the University at Albany/SUNY and is supported byRead… Read more »

10 Best Jobs in America

The Web never ceases to surprise me. Here comes a list of 10 Best Jobs in America (and there is a list of 10 Worst jobs too!) published by Tony Lee on his site by ranking 200 jobs based on five criteria of stress, physical demands, hiring outlook, compensation and work environment: 1. MathematicianRead… Read more »

Much government web content is written in “governmentese” instead of plain language, says a white paper of Federal Web Managers Council

Much government web content is written in “governmentese” instead of plain language, says a white paper* developed by the Federal Web Managers Council, comprised of Cabinet agency Web Directors. The paper suggests (i) Establish Web Communications as a core government business function, (ii) Help the public complete common government tasks efficiently, (iii) Clean up theRead… Read more »

Ten Guiding Principles for E-civil Service

I Introduction Is there anything called e-civil service or electronic civil service? If so, what is it? How does it differ from the traditional civil service? How can it keep pace with technological developments? What role does it have in Government 2.0? Is there any conflict between old conduct rules for the civil servants andRead… Read more »

Is e-government a dangerous enthusiasm?

Yes, according to the conclusion reached by Gauld, Goldfinch and Dale* after a number of e-government case studies in New Zealand and a survey of wider literature. And it is an interesting judgement in case of New Zealand, a country with 4 million population, but well advanced in e-government. By mid-1990s most New Zealand governmentRead… Read more »