Yearly Archives: 2010

The best gift you can give (or get): Feedback

Feedback is a gift.Think about it. If someone takes the time to share her perceptions of your work, your performance, that means she cares. She cares enough to take her time and energy to help you. It may not feel like a gift when you first get the feedback. Especially if it is negative. ButRead… Read more »

Best of 2010: Top GovLoop Videos

We’ve going through the top just about anything you can think of for GovLoop in 2010. As an ex TV person this next category is a little near and dear to my heart… videos. Honestly we didn’t have thousands upon thousands of videos on GL this year but believe me that’s a goal for 2011,Read… Read more »

Everyone Has the Capacity to Lead

One of the “perks” of flying tens of thousands of miles each year is the opportunity to peruse the in-flight magazine during the electronic hiatus during take-off and landing—an interesting outgrowth of carrying an E-reader and subsequent dearth of having any “paper” products to peruse. During my latest flight, I was drawn to an articleRead… Read more »

Need a New Year’s Resolution? Go Green!

I’ve made it a point in recent years to not lose track of my New Year’s resolutions from the previous January, so I can look back at them in December. And while this may not be the forum to discuss how successful I was in cleaning up our basement, I am proud to report thatRead… Read more »

Dreams for Kids + Holiday for Hope

Back in October, GovLoop + GovDelivery teamed up with Dreams for Kids. Meeting the volunteers and members of this organization proved to us one thing: THEY ROCK. They are ceaselessly energetic, giving, and entertaining. What we didn’t know at the time, is that they also know how to pull-off amazing parties. So with that, I’dRead… Read more »