Yearly Archives: 2011

Get Your GovLoop On Hootsuite

Are you an avid tweeter? facebooker? Well if so we’ve got good news now you can send your tweets and status updates straight to GovLoop at the same time you are sending them to facebook and twitter. Thanks to a Ning upgrade we here at GovLoop have synced with Hootsuite. For those of you unfamiliarRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Success As A Suck-up?

There are certain things you should know about your boss. If you can’t answer these questions, find out. Make this your goal for 2011. I suspect the results will a). impact your workplace relationship with your boss for the better, b). make for a performance review you see an improvement on, and c). provide youRead… Read more »

Finishing the First Week of CON 090

My first impression was right: this is a very difficult class. It’s actually one of the most intellectually challenging classes I’ve taken. (The most difficult was Philosophy 101 with Dr. Janowski; guess which one he is. And yes, that intro class was tougher than any other philosophy major class.) I discovered the beauty and horridnessRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Marco Morales

Marco Morales Title: Senior Public Affairs Specialist U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command 1. What was your path to public service/current job? I served in the U.S. Army 20 years from 1973 to 1993 so that makes me a Vietnam-era veteran. Early on in my military career I learned that being in the All-volunteerRead… Read more »

Deadline Extended to 17 January: Call for Papers for ICAIL 2011

[NOTE: The call for papers submission deadline has been extended to 17 January 2011, according to @JackGConrad.] A call for papers has been issued for ICAIL 2011: The 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, to be held 6-10 June 2011 at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. TheRead… Read more »

The Paradox of Pilots

As many organizations in business and government try to capture some of the magic created by network communication, they often and understandably formulate strategies beginning with “pilots.” “Pilots” are a paradox. When it comes to creating networks for customers, partners, and employees or citizens, designation of “pilot” status—by definition an experiment—can doom a project toRead… Read more »

Top 5 – Social Media Tips for New Governors and Their Staff

This month, a number of new governors will be transitioning into office. Most of these governors used online media to win their campaigns (from campaign web sties, email lists to Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, Google/FB ads, and more). As they transition into governing, I have 5 quick tips on how to build upon their desireRead… Read more »