How GIS Empowers You to Build a Smart Community

Smart communities are able to leverage technology to improve the quality of life for citizens. GIS plays a critical role in this, as it empowers leaders to visualize, question, analyze, and interpret organizational data to better understand relationships and trends in their community. In a 2013 NACo study, participants noted their top nine public serviceRead… Read more »

7 State Government GIS Innovators

Imagine being able to visualize your data so you could see the impacts of potential policies and decisions. You could bring to life information that has typically been one dimensional, and place data into a geographic context, giving you the ability to see patterns and trends you had not seen before. By incorporating maps intoRead… Read more »

Laying the Bricks for a Resilient Community

Today, you are challenged to stay resilient no matter what challenges your community faces. Governments must operate efficiently regardless of any crisis or event. That’s where GIS comes into play. GIS is an integrative technology, and seamlessly connects mobile, ECM and cloud to help gain a holistic view of the community, building more resilient communities.Read… Read more »