Posts Tagged: emotional intelligence

10 Barriers to Connecting with Others

We know rudeness gets in the way of relating to others at work. But even common, well-meaning responses can block us from connecting with others. Here are 10 common ways we prevent ourselves from being present and truly listening to others, and steps we can take to remove those barriers.

How to Agree to Disagree With Coworkers (Especially When It Comes to Politics)

As the presidential election nears, talking with your coworkers has gotten increasingly treacherous. Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, independent, or undecided voter, in order to not make enemies at work, you need to learn how to agree to disagree.

Got EI? Why Emotional Intelligence Matters at Work

Does it ever feel like some people are just “easy” to get along with at work: the boss that really “gets” you, and goes out of her way to develop you; the colleague you love brainstorming with, or the employee who always anticipates what you need from him, almost before you know yourself?  …While othersRead… Read more »

Get Smart – From Wearable Technology to Talking

“Get smart” means paying attention to co-workers, friends, family, spouse, or a partner. Nothing brings more stress to interpersonal relationships than carrying frustrations home after work. Get smart means getting smart. Being aware of all this takes work. Being smart about the law, political motivations, and social context is part of our job. It is… Read more »