Posts Tagged: whitehouse

The Whitehouse sent me an email urging me to explain in my words how the recent shutdown has affected me. I want to know how others were affected by this.

I wish I could say that the shutdown has affected me just a couple days ago, unfortunately I have been affected long before this could happen. As if situations I faced currently weren’t difficult enough, I have to somehow figure out how my monthly income of $519.00 per month is going to be reduced sinceRead… Read more »

Top 5 US Federal Agency Websites in 2011

Government agencies have not always been known as leaders of the web design industry. However, in recent years and even months, there have been a few that truly are on the cutting edge of quality design and user experience. Granted, not every agency requires a modern, flashy, public-facing website, but if your agency engages theRead… Read more »

White House Introduces Green Gov

Today the White House launched a new initiative that rocks. They’ve launched the GreenGov challenge as a way to get ideas from govies on how to make gov’t more green. I urge all feds to share their ideas at ——— On Monday, October 5th, 2009, President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order on FederalRead… Read more »

The Official White House Twitter Has Been Launched!

The Whitehouse has official taken the plunge into microblogging and launched their official twitter account @whitehouse today. Another milestone in government 2.0 and social media has been reached. The Official White House Twitter URL: The account was set up and first tweet posted about 2 hours ago putting the time of official release atRead… Read more »