Posts Tagged: spanish

Coaching for Language, Communication, and Accent

Everyone who works in government who works with written materials knows that every sentence is supposed to have a period at the end. All of those people know (or do they?) that sentences in general are supposed to be short and to the point. KISS is an old writing thing that means ‘Keep It ShortRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: OAS Summits of the Americas Virtual Community The Organization of American States (OAS, or, as it is known in the three other official languages, OEA) is an international organization, headquartered in Washington, D.C.. Its members are the thirty-five independent states of the Americas, although Honduras was suspended as a result of the June 28, 2009 coup d’état that expelled President ManuelRead… Read more »

Do You Manage Multilingual Websites?

Join Lee Vann for Web Managers University’s Best Practices of Multilingual Websites: Do you need to build a multilingual online presence and don’t know where to start? This webinar will provide strategies for building a business case for multilingual websites and for effectively building, maintaining and marketing foreign language sites. Using the exploding U.S.Read… Read more »