Posts By Scott Span

Intent vs Impact: How Do You Communicate?

How do you communicate? People thrive on communication; introverted, extroverted, verbal and non verbal, we all need to be able to communicate with one another in order to survive and succeed. Though sometimes, things get lost in translation. Your intent, the way in which you are communicating, doesn’t necessarily send the messages and signals thatRead… Read more »

What Did You Say to Me? | Increasing Workplace Communication

Workplace communication isn’t easy. Communication. Everything, from personal to business relationships hinges on it. Communicate too little, too much, or incorrectly and everything you’ve worked for can fall apart. When people communicate properly, in a way that makes all parties feel heard, even conflict and criticism can be constructive and lead to positive results. HumansRead… Read more »

Employee Retention Doesn’t Just Happen

What employee retention strategies do you use to engage and retain employees? Statistics from research done by the labor bureau show that the average American will hold around 11.3 jobs during their working years. The average number of jobs held is actually going up- especially with Millennials. Eleven may seem like a really high numberRead… Read more »

Information Technology Isn’t a Miracle Solution

We’re in a rapidly advancing technological age…I mean this article is being posted online and probably read on mobile devices and shared via social media. With every passing year (sometimes it feels like every week), it seems like there’s some new information technology (IT) platform to learn and integrate into our daily lives – forRead… Read more »

An Organizational and Leadership Debacle: Is it Time to Audit the IRS?

The IRS has never been the most popular kid in the lunch room. The current IRS scandal shows an agency experiencing organizational and leadership issues. I suppose they provide a necessary function, but who hasn’t complained bitterly in the spring about the amount of money and time it takes to meet their demands? I’ve beenRead… Read more »

Does Your Organization Have a Social Media Policy for All Generations?

These days, most every orientation handbook has it: the dreaded social media policy. Does your agency have a social media policy for all generations? Some rules can be fairly liberal, like when social media can be used during working hours. Some are more stringent- like how employees use their accounts on their own time. SocialRead… Read more »

Does Your Business Suck?

Well, does your business or agency suck? I doubt you’ve asked yourself this question before in quite such a direct manner. This might sound harsh, and maybe it is. Lousy customer service, poor innovation, and bad leadership all contribute to terrible organizational culture- those things all impact your performance and how successful your business is.Read… Read more »

Pissed Off People = Poor Profits: Lessons From Andrew Carnegie in Business & Employee Engagement

What lessons in employee engagement and business can we learn from Andrew Carnegie? For starters… Pissed off people = poor profits! That’s a lesson that Andrew Carnegie learned the hard way. Carnegie was a titan of industry and a true entrepreneur. I’ll spare the detailed history lesson, though suffice to say he came from nothing,Read… Read more »

Happy People = Higher Profits: Lessons from Henry Ford in Business & Leadership

Happy People = Higher Profits! That’s a lesson that Henry Ford learned early in his entrepreneurial business and leadership career. Ford’s success began during a significant time of change in America. When the Ford Motor Company was officially started in 1903, the government was cracking down on industry. The government was making a statement againstRead… Read more »

Technical Foul: Leadership Lessons from the Rutgers Basketball Scandal

What leadership lessons can we learn from the firing of Rutgers coach Mike Rice? If you’ve been following the news story about how now former Rutgers basketball coach, Mike Rice, was verbally and physically abusing his players, then you undoubtedly know that he was fired and his assistant, Jimmy Martelli, has also recently resigned andRead… Read more »