
State and Local Governments Embrace the Cloud

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, Top Challenges & Solutions From State and Local Governments, which examines 16 case study examples transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. For the fourth year in a row, the state of California is suffering from record draughts. In March, Governor Jerry Brown unveiled a $1 billionRead… Read more »

Join Us: State and Local Innovators Virtual Summit – Today!

State and local governments pioneered cloud adaption and infrastructure efficiencies. They are at the forefront of innovative citizen engagement strategies and workforce overhauls. And you, the public servants in state and local government, do this while facing budget challenges, resource constraints, and the constant threat of a cyberattack. Today, we highlight this good work duringRead… Read more »

Using Real Estate Logic to Choose Your Cloud System

Choosing between a public cloud and a private cloud can be a confusing task at first. But thankfully, GovLoop’s recent online training discussed how best to incorporate cloud computing into an overall IT strategy and how to choose the best cloud system for your agency. Let’s think about your goals and relate them to somethingRead… Read more »

Getting the Most Out of Your Data with Flash Storage

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, Top Challenges & Solutions From State and Local Governments, which examines 16 case study examples transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. Although at first glance data storage doesn’t stand out as a top innovation in government, Pure Storage has taken a unique approach, delivering notRead… Read more »

Cloud Strategy and How To Implement It

GovLoop’s recent online training was aimed at helping government organizations navigate through the challenges and benefits of incorporating cloud computing into an overall IT strategy. It’s becoming more and more clear that cloud computing is the future and GovLoop’s panel of industry experts helped us navigate through the different options and challenges. The panelists included:Read… Read more »

Transforming Local Government In the Cloud

Emerging technology and local government initiatives are empowering cities and counties to transform how services are delivered to citizens, how staff communicate and collaborate. As a result, cities and counties are delivering improved services, driving higher levels of employee productivity, all while realizing significant cost savings. Office 365 has entered as a cost-effective option for… Read more »

Human Resources and the Cloud

A multigenerational workforce is the new norm. Four generations are working together for the first time, leading to varying levels of expectations – and this means that HR workers need to accommodate the different needs inherent to each generation. This requires balancing the desire to hire fresh eyes and maintaining the older workforce’s talent formedRead… Read more »

Government Prepares for the New IP: Insights from the Federal Forum 2015

Last month at the Federal Forum in Washington, D.C., I joined Brocade’s industry partners and the government’s leading IT decision makers to discuss how new, exciting technologies are changing the way our government serves the American citizenry, enables warfighters and meets the demands of a growing list of stakeholders. We heard from an impressive groupRead… Read more »