Posts Tagged: business

The Intersect Between Corporate and Government

Taking care of issues of social justice, climate control, poverty, and improving communities can no longer be in the purview of government-only organizations. For profit corporations must deliberately incorporate these issues into daily decision making. The fact is that the government will not be capable of supporting the people on its own and corporations willRead… Read more »

Government Business 101: United States Constitution, the Executive Branch and Federal Contracting

From the Government Business Examiner by Donna L. Quesinberry In 2009 the “New Transparency” took on an enhanced definition per President Obama’s Administration – the new transparency became a virtual enactment of the transparency and accountability that public funding through federal contracting already envisions. What is the course of action that a business takes orRead… Read more »

Happy Holidays from DonnaInk Publications (dp) 2009

Happy Holidays from DonnaInk Publications (dp) book division for 2009 View more presentations from Donna Quesinberry. Season’s Greetings from DonnaInk Publications (dp) 2009 View more presentations from Donna Quesinberry. About the Author: Ms. Quesinberry, DonnaInk Publications (dp) President, manages a government (federal and state) and commercial consultancy. A published technical non-fiction and fictional author, sheRead… Read more »

Business Consultancy India – Dr. Shailesh Thaker

Multi-taskers are considered as the geniuses created by God of the 21st century. Have you ever wondered what is it that multi-taskers do that you can’t? The answer is nothing. Stanford University researchers have challenged a prevailing myth that multi-taskers are better at processing and organizing information. The people who multi-task the most are theRead… Read more »

There is a Place for Intolerance in Good Government

In May of this year, I was listening to a senior government official talk about the fact that he has never been able to understand the rush to spend money that every government official is accustomed to each fall. He asked, with a shrewd look, how many corporations in America live by the “Spend everything!”Read… Read more »

A Transformation Tip From the Kitchen

Who would argue the fact that flour, that white powder made from ground-milled wheat, is critically important to our way of life? But despite the fact that there is flour in just about every food pantry in the planet, there are few people who would voluntarily scoop up a handful and shove it in theirRead… Read more »

What is Enterprise 2.0 – Amended

Previously posted at Enterprise 2.0 is the concept of working smarter, not harder in a more transparent work environment, independent of location, computer, or one person doing a specific job. It is a methodology of doing better business and it is one of our Core Competencies at Navstar. Navstar has the leading experts inRead… Read more »

The Business of Defense Business Transformation

No one in the Department of Defense owns “transformation.” The term is used freely by just about anyone who wishes to make a significant change in the Department. Changes attempted under the banner of “transformation” are as varied as the people who use the word. We assume that most “transformations” are attempts to make theRead… Read more »