Posts Tagged: blog

What Is Evergreen Content and Why You Should Be Creating It

Evergreen content isn’t just reserved for knitting tutorials or tips on getting new clients; it can be very applicable to government communications as well. Whether it’s a how-to on sorting recycling or a listicle of the top five places for bird watching, it will drive traffic to your website and gain attention on social media.

The 5 Most Unforgettable Blogs by Government Agencies

There’s been a lot of chatter lately about the “death of blogging” or about its already-in-progress resurrection. Yet a stroll around the blogosphere reveals a lively culture of content creation and sharing that seems untouched by any death throes. Blogging started as—and often, at its best, continues to be—an online personal journal perfect for oversharing. So, one might not think thatRead… Read more »

Five Website Features You’ll Love (And So Will Your Visitors)

As Valentine’s Day approaches, love is in the air, and we at OmniStudio want to express our love for beautiful web design. Open source tools like WordPress, combined with easy sharing plugins for social media posting, make it possible to build a website that you and your visitors will love. Here are some of ourRead… Read more »

Better Blogging: 6 Tips for Being Heard Above the Noise

If you are reading this you are no stranger to blogs. You have probably heard the term more times than you can count, have read more than your fair share, and maybe even have your own online novel collecting “dust” in cyberspace. Even still, the desire to be heard above all the chatter on theRead… Read more »

Is the Sky Falling on Government Contractors?

In many ways, the government contractor community is in a state of uncertainly with pending budget cuts in this austere environment. When reading the news, it often feels like Henny Penny is doing all of the reporting and the outlook is very dire. But is the sky actually falling? Market Connections will be releasing thisRead… Read more »