Posts Tagged: Enforcement | Post Status Updates to Twitter at Your Own Risk #safety #crime

Neither Mashable nor are fresh on the scene with the common sense notion that criminals are just now getting active in social networking. Criminals have been using social networking sites as a form of communication in their criminal enterprises as well as a place to cultivate job leads (crime leads for those who didRead… Read more »

New TV Show-Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation to Supervise Criminal Offenders-DC Public Safety

See (television). “Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation” provides an overview of inter agency cooperation between the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, D.C. CSOSA partners with MPD and other law enforcement agencies and adjacent states on a wide variety of public safety initiatives. Both agenciesRead… Read more »

Facebook | How Police Can Use As A Social Media Tool

Facebook is an extremely powerful social media community that has become larger than I am sure many Facebook executives would admit they thought was possible. Facebook had over 2.5 billion visits last month (10/2009), which is quite stunning. There are millions of people visiting Facebook billions of times a month to communicate with each other,Read… Read more »

Tell DHS what you think about Homeland Security priorities – Log on this week!

This year marks the first-ever Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR), a top-to-bottom review of the Department of Homeland Security to assess our nation’s homeland security policies and priorities. Although the review is occurring in Washington, DHS knows that it won’t really be complete unless it includes input from stakeholders across the country, including other federalRead… Read more »

New Radio Program on President’s Stimulus Package-What It Means to the Criminal Justice System-NCJA—DC Public Safety

( See radio programs) Welcome to DC Public Safety–radio and television programs on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system. See for our television shows, blog and transcripts. We welcome your comments or suggestions at [email protected] or at Twitter at The show features an interview with the National Criminal Justice Association andRead… Read more »

Technology in Law Enforcement. What about Web 2.0?

Technology in Law Enforcement? I was having a conversation the other day with a newly appointed Chief of Police, Ray Douglas, from a small town close to Memphis. This newly sworn-in Chief was going through the process of determining what capabilities his staff had and what they lacked. During my conversation with Ray, I askedRead… Read more »