Posts Tagged: Google

Today’s Google Federal talk at Reston Chamber

At today’s talk by Google Federal Director Mike Bradshaw, my table mate and I sent the following tweets. Worth checking out: Google’s public policy blog. Thanks to Steve Ressler for reminding me of this format, originally from David Tallan (Twitter to blog). #wattsyourplan: RT @jonmikelbailey: @wattsyourplan #restongoogle google has 1.6 megawatts of solar photovoltaic panelsRead… Read more »

New Media 101: The What Would Google Do Approach

As part of an effort to educate (and evangelize) my colleagues about new and social media, I am developing a list of resources entitled New Media 101. This list will not be tool focused as I believe firmly that new media is about relationships and the collaboration and engagement they empower. I want to haveRead… Read more »

Three Things to Do Before Complaining About Your Government – (Preaching to the choir here at GovLoop, but perhaps conversation will help hone my thoughts.) There is probably nothing that grates on my social conscience more than smart people who are anti-government. I don’t mean people who’ve got legitimate problems with politics and policy, but rather the “government can’t do anything right” andRead… Read more »