
US Department of State’s Global Video Contest Winners Inspire Cross-Cultural Understanding

What do a 14-year-old freshman in Columbus, Nebraska; a 23-year-old software engineer in Bangalore, India; a 16-year-old senior in Recife, Brazil; and a 22-year-old Fulbright scholarship recipient from Wheaton, Illinois have in common? They share a strong desire to create bridges across cultures and their unique action and vision has earned each a video contestRead… Read more »

Centralized Vs. Decentralized Organizations: The Starfish and The Spider

I just got done reading the book The Stafish and the Spider for one of my grad school classes on technology and knowledge management and a few thoughts came to mind… I intially really appreicated the vivid examples that the authors discussed in providing context for what a “starfish” vs. a “spider” looks like. ForRead… Read more »

Twitter Spreads Like Wildfire

Metaphorically speaking, someone apparently has lit a match (in San Francisco) in a dry forest with lots of leaves and brush with the right temperature and wind level and there is no water in sight. A fire, you ask? In San Francisco? Oh Yes. A fire. A huge, consuming everything in its sight fire (exceptRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Team Player: Janet Napolitano

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano made that statement on CNN Thursday when asked about former vice president Dick Cheney’s recent assertion that the Obama administration’s policies have made the country less safe. “This administration is very committed to the safety of this country,” Napolitano said. “I wake up in the morning, thinking about what weRead… Read more »

eGovernment interoperability is a cultural, not a technical issue

Republished from eGovAU. This post from Oliver Bell’s OSRIN blog, eGovernment Interoperability Frameworks, time for a rethink?, served to crystalise thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head for awhile. Oliver contends that most of the technical standards for interoperability via the internet have been resolved, with commercial and citizen usage of the internetRead… Read more »

What Was Old Is New Again

In replying to a discussion to an article in which the author predicts the institutionalization of social networking sites by businesses (oh yuck!) it struck me that social networking sites are the new computer bulletin boards. For those too young to have been active in the computer community in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s,Read… Read more »

Security Guidance on Social Media

NIST has posted for public comment a draft of NIST Special Publication 800-53 (Revision 3), Recommended Security Controls for Fedral Information Systems and Organizations. This revision is the first major update of NIST Special Publication 800-53 since December 2005. The proposed draft standard PL4 from the document contains a control enhancement that applies to postingRead… Read more »

Job Vacancies and Communicating With the Silent Type

Originally posted at An agency contact person is identified on the vacancy announcement of each federal job. Contact the agency contact person for your target job if you have any questions about: · How your application has faired thus far in the selection process. Yes, the agency contact person can and will tell youRead… Read more »

Government Job Prospects in the Current Economy…. Thoughts and Concerns

Hello … Some of my classmates and I had a discussion over lunch today about job prospects for MPA graduates in the next 12-18 months. Those of us that are not currently in the full-time work force would be by that time. As a someone currently working for the great (not so great budget) StateRead… Read more »