Posts Tagged: data

Are You Committing Any of These Data Viz Sins?

Data visualizations are crucial to sharing the results of quantitative work. Ideally, they should help your audience understand your findings quicker, like a power-assisted bicycle. However, most of us are not trained in data visualization best practices and it can be difficult to know what type of chart to choose.

Building a Data-Driven Culture in Government 

Data is central to countless government modernization initiatives, whether it be the comprehensive overhaul of new agency data governance, feeding public-facing dashboards, or the training of an AI model. But nearly as important as data itself is the culture that surrounds it. That’s why it’s imperative for all government teams — not just IT teams… Read more »

Cracking Encryption: The Quantum Threat

Quantum computing offers great promise but also great risk, and current encryption standards are especially vulnerable to the quantum threat. There are actions that agencies can take today, however, to safeguard their systems.

As Agencies Journey to Net Zero, a New Type of CTO Is Needed 

The journey toward net-zero sustainability requires not only technical expertise to address the significant energy and resource requirements of high-tech solutions, but also collaboration and long-term commitment. And it calls for a new kind of chief technology officer.