Posts Tagged: data

Killing investment in Smarter Government?

How many federal expenditures can you think of that have produced a 10,000% return-on-investment(ROI)? Medicare? Defense? TARP? According to US CIO Vivek Kundra, the $32 Million investment in data transparency has yielded federal IT program savings of $3 Billion. This figure does not include estimates for other economic benefits from data-driven innovation. For example, thanksRead… Read more »

Open Government: The Need for Readiness Assessment Framework

Since the Open Government Initiative was kick-started in the United States in 2009, the implementation of the concept has exceeded the borders of US to other countries around the world. Australia Declaration of Open Government and Canada Open Data Project are only two examples of these countries. During the last few weeks, I’ve been inRead… Read more »

The Age of Analytics

“In the face of mounting complexity, smarter, collaborative, fact-based decisions are more important than ever to drive results.” –IBM Public sector offices receive a substantial amount of data. The question is…what can they do with it? How can an agency use the information that comes its way to make the best decisions and best benefitRead… Read more »

Good data, is the answer in the clouds?

Question I asked during a Q&A session at Transportation Camp East with H. Giovanni Carnaroli, Senior Accountable Official for Open Gov, USDOT, Peter Appel, Administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, USDOT, and Charles Monheim, Chief Operating Officer of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. I have always questioned if technology and information gathered by theRead… Read more »

Visualizing the CT State Session

Keeping up with the over 2,700 bills proposed by the Connecticut General Assembly since January can be practically impossible. Readily Apparent developed new visualizations to make it easy to see a “30,000-foot view” of activity by policy area and click to drill-down on particular interests. Tree map graphics enable visitors to quickly explore policy areas—byRead… Read more »

Public Sector IT and the Winter at Valley Forge

One of the most well-known narratives of the American Revolutionary War is the harsh winter suffered by General George Washington and his colonial soldiers at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Troops were under-supplied, their uniforms were threadbare, and many suffered illness and disease from the brutal conditions. However, the American colonies generally were not starved for resources.Read… Read more »

Data Centers: New Use for Blighted Downtowns?

After the economic bust, a number of cities have been left with literally blocks of abandoned office space, creating an eyesore as well as hazards due to decay, arson, and squatters. However, according to an article by Robert Sharoff in the New York Times, cities such as St. Louis are finding new tenants for theirRead… Read more »

Wondering if you’re getting, using the same real-time data feeds you’re providing publicly

After far too long, my “Data Dynamite: unleash information to transform our world” book is finally in the editing stages, and should be released as an e-book later this winter. One of the key points is that we need to think holistically about data (especially tagged data), so that there are unified strategies for internallyRead… Read more »