Posts Tagged: #Cybersecurity

Under CISA, Information Sharing Is Caring—If You Do It Right

Securing sensitive data against the sheer number of cyberthreats is an impossible task for a single organization. It’s akin to sending one soldier to battle against an army of millions. In an effort to strengthen the nation’s defense against cyberthreats, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015… Read more »

Making Passwords Secure: Missing the Weakest Link in Cybersecurity

Yes, Passwords are Secure! They are not going away; they can’t. The attacks we see daily is not a password authentication problem, but rather a password management nightmare. Has your organization put their employees into the role of Network Security Administrator? If you allow them to generate, remember, type, manage and know their logon passwordsRead… Read more »

Cyberthreats and More: A Conversation with FBI CISO Arlette Hart

Arlette Hart is the chief information security officer (CISO) at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. As CISO of the FBI, she has a unique perspective. On the one hand, she is tasked with securing vast amounts of highly sensitive information. On the other, she has the inside track on the emerging cyber-threats, and some ofRead… Read more »