Posts Tagged: professional relationships

7 Simple Acts of Kindness for a Better Workplace

We know a workplace culture of kindness has the power to make our daily grind more meaningful and effective. But how do we get there? Here are some simple, practical ways we can show kindness to our colleagues and begin this ripple effect we all want to see at work.

Something’s Gotta Give

At the heart of collaboration is the desire to give. How can we encourage employees to give so that everyone benefits?

Kindness Works

Want to have a successful career? Be a great leader? Help your team and organization perform better? No matter what your current position or future goals, there’s one thing that will impact your career even more than competence or expertise – they way you treat others.

How to Agree to Disagree With Coworkers (Especially When It Comes to Politics)

As the presidential election nears, talking with your coworkers has gotten increasingly treacherous. Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green, independent, or undecided voter, in order to not make enemies at work, you need to learn how to agree to disagree.

3 Strategies for Career Success from Rio’s Olympic Athletes

There’s certainly a lot to learn from Olympic athletes about the benefits of applying yourself toward a goal and finding a supportive coach. But there are more subtle and surprising lessons emerging at this year’s Olympics that can also help you be more successful in your career.

7 Tips for Working Effectively with Government

Working for a publication that almost exclusively serves the public sector and its partners, I routinely deal with practitioners and leaders at all three levels of government. Previously, I worked for an organization that archives data for government research projects. Along the way, I’ve picked up several tips and tricks for working effectively with electedRead… Read more »