Posts Tagged: telecommuting

Want to Telecommute? What You Need to Know About Flexible Work Arrangements

Back in June, the president issued a directive to all executive level departments, calling on them to expand the use and availability of flexible work arrangements that make it easier for employees to enjoy greater work/life balance. “In doing so, we can help ensure that the Federal workforce is engaged and empowered to deliver exceptionalRead… Read more »

What’s Best For You? The Pros and Cons of Flexible Workplace Situations

Is telecommuting right for you and your agency? When Marissa Mayer took the reins of Yahoo! and announced that the cutting-edge tech giant was pulling back on its policy of employee telecommuting, shock waves reverberated throughout the American workplace. The discussion that followed had people taking sides based on an all-or-nothing view of telecommuting (orRead… Read more »

Continuing the Conversation on Telework: Is Remote Work Too Remote?

Andrew Krzmarzick commented on my blog post Answering Joshua Millsapps’ Question: Is remote work, too remote? by saying OPM surveys reveal that supervisors feel the biggest barrier to telework adoption is the, “Need to learn new skills for managing a remote workforce.” As I had referenced in my post my success in learning new skillsRead… Read more »

Vendor Response to “Top Eight Priorities” in selecting a great tool for your telework program!

The Top Eight Priorities to Consider When Evaluating Video Conferencing Tools 1) Security – Security should be at the very core of the selection of any video conferencing system. You can easily begin your search by choosing from products that have met the strict standards set forth by NIST for FIPS 140-2, Level 1 Certification.Read… Read more »

Going ROWE: D.C. gov workers worried new mayor will end “results only work environment”

Just posted this morning, the third installment of the new Center for American Progress series, “Going ROWE,” a behind-the-scenes look at how D.C.’s information technology agency is transforming in to a “results only work environment.” This weekly series documents the transformation of a government office into a workplace where employees can work where they want,Read… Read more »