Yearly Archives: 2011

Comments Sought on Final Draft of AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard

Cross-posted from Beth Offenbacker’s PublicDecisions blog… Many folks have been following the development of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard over these last few years. The final draft of this international standard for stakeholder engagement has been released for review and comment at According to the project website, the goal of the revision was toRead… Read more »

January 10 Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Open Government Data Benchmark Study (12/01/2010) – Socrata survey reveals state of open data from the perspective of the public, government and developers. Nearly half of agencies surveyed are already publishing data. Smartphone use growing (01/06/2011) – Nielson study confirms TV is still used by most Americans to obtain news content, but mobileRead… Read more »

Interested in Human Resources for the DoD?

If you’re interested in human resources for the Department of Defense, we have a special training event just for you called Human Capital Management Defense (HCMD) 2011, which is taking place Feb. 14-17 at the Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, VA. Now in its 6th year, HCMD brings together HR professionals who are focused onRead… Read more »

GPRA Mod Act of 2010 Explained: Part 4

The new law revises agency performance reporting requirements under GPRA by shifting its emphasis from annual reporting to more regular reporting. It also creates a forcing mechanism that requires OMB to take action on agency “unmet” goals. Agency Performance Updates. According to the Senate committee report, the new law: “. . . requires agencies toRead… Read more »

Canada’s Secret Open Data Strategy?

Be prepared for the most boring sentence to an intriguing blog post. The other night, I was, as one is want to do, reading through a random Organization for Economic Coordination and Development report entitled Towards Recovery and Partnership with Citizens: The Call for Innovative and Open Government. The report was, in fact, a summaryRead… Read more »

Beth Noveck Leaving the White House is No Big Loss

Andrea di Maio writes: “…This is exactly the way I feel about where open government is today in the US federal government. Great concept, a directive to kick the ball, a few agencies doing good things but most still scratching their heads about how to do something more than complying with what the directive askedRead… Read more »

SeeClickFix Takes Gov 2.0 to Next Level with Series A Round of Funding

One of the most promising Gov 2.0 companies is SeeClickFix, which has won numerous awards for its mobile platform where citizens report non-emergency issues such as potholes and graffiti. I recently talked to CEO, Ben Berkowitz, about some big news happening with the company. So tell us the big news. What just happened? SeeClickFix hasRead… Read more »

We need more councillors, not less

The MJ reports on Buckinghamshire County Council’s successful bid to reduce the number of members elected to it, from 57 to 49, in the name of cost cutting. County deputy leader Bill Chapple said: ‘I’m delighted the commission is taking our proposals forward. We are living in a time of austerity when tough decisions haveRead… Read more »

The Business of Being Real

Eight years ago, I was 22, and was just starting my first full-time job in the “real world.” I was a Marketing Assistant for a mid-size consulting company in Cambridge, MA. After a few days on the job, I realized I would be writing A LOT (which just tickled me pink), but I also realizedRead… Read more »

What are our national values?

Today at 11 am, I stopped working for a few minutes to participate in the Moment of Silence for the victims in Tucson Arizona. As I paused, I thought about the millions of people around our nation who were also participating. I got the chills. I wondered who the other people were, where they lived,Read… Read more »