Posts Tagged: tumblr

Go-To Tools For Easily Creating GIFs

Did the govies that got GIF game inspire you to think about making your own GIFs? Smart move. These eye-catching animated graphics can really gussy up your digital communications. Making your own GIFs is surprisingly easy. The toughest part is finding the right source material, whether it’s a video, a series of photos, or one image that can becomeRead… Read more »

These 9 Govies Got GIF Game

It’s no secret I love a good GIF. The animated images are an eye-catching way to quickly convey information and emotions. They work on almost every operating system, browser, website, and social media (except the frustrating holdout, Facebook). That’s why I made sure to watch DigitalGov’s recent webinar, “The Essentials of Animated GIFs for PublicRead… Read more »

Tumbln into Tumblr: 7 Reasons it Hits a Social Media “Sweet Spot”

If you haven’t considered adding Tumblr to your social media portfolio yet, my latest blog post offers seven reasons why it hits a “sweet spot” for established individual and organizational users, complementing and augmenting engagement on other platforms in unique and effective ways. Additional reasons are welcome. Tumblr. Follow the world’s creators. That’s how TumblrRead… Read more »

The Meme is the Message: How Campaigns and Causes are Using Tumblr

As posted on Personal Democracy Plus, an online news source focused on how technology is being used in and around government, politics, and civic life. Visit PD+ for more information about discounted group subscriptions for government and non-profits. By MIRANDA NEUBAUER Ever since the 2008 presidential campaign, the national political conversation has been interrupted andRead… Read more »

HootSuite launches new App Directory

HootSuite, which gained prominence as a Twitter dashboard/management tool, launched a new App Directory last month. HootSuite had already added social media channel integration as they grew; their dashboard currently allows you to manage your Facebook, LinkedIn,, WordPress, MySpace, Foursquare and mixi pages/accounts (along with Twitter). And now they’ve expanded their reach again withRead… Read more »

Don’t Confuse the Genre for the Medium

Neal Ungerleider wrote a a funny piece on Fast Company about the State Department’s new Tumblr blog this morning, including a few suggestions on how the State Department could be more Tumblry by jumping on some of Tumblr’s most popular trends. It’s a great piece of writing, and it also says exactly what I wasRead… Read more »

Why We Recommended Tumblr for the New Blog

Early last month, quietly launched the new blog on Tumblr. The launch was the result of six months of hard work by the team transitioning their previous blog (called GovGab) into a refreshed blog. We’re proud to have worked on this project for two key reasons: is the first federalRead… Read more »