Posts Tagged: mentoring

Homophily (That Means Love of Same) OK for Dating, But Not for Mentoring

I’m white, Jewish and male. If I behaved like sociologists expect, most of my mentors would be “like” me. But I don’t. The lion’s share of my mentors are black, female and of a different faith than I. Though I’ve never personally been the subject of research on homophily —the tendency of individuals to associateRead… Read more »

6 Steps for a Successful Mentor Relationship

This week, Steve Ressler, GovLoop’s CEO and Founder, was a guest speaker at the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Mentor Program celebration. At the event he shared six steps to have a successful mentoring relationship. And I also want to share them with you! 1. Get Acquainted Your first mentor meeting will be like a professionalRead… Read more »

Your Mentorship FAQ

There are infinite benefits to a successful mentorship. But how do the mentor and mentee achieve those results? We heard that and many other questions at the kickoff to GovLoop’s own mentorship program. Thankfully, we had six successful, former mentors and mentees on hand to explain how to make the most of a mentorship. We’veRead… Read more »

10 Steps to Creating a Mentoring Story with a Fairy Tale Ending

Just like a good fairy tale, a mentoring relationship should have a happy ending. Each mentoring relationship is different and has its own dynamics. Nevertheless, there are certain things you should think about when you are starting a relationship with a mentor. Just like any other relationship, these partnerships require love and caring to growRead… Read more »

Professional Development on a Shoestring

When your workload grows and your budget shrinks, professional development often gets pushed to the back burner.  Here are some ideas about finding training and development opportunities despite the obstacles. Updating Your Individual Development Plan (IDP) – There are a variety of ways government employees make use of development plans, and not all processes are ofRead… Read more »