
The Mobile Genie is Out of the Bottle!

I just got back from another wonderful AFFIRM Luncheon for a great discussion about the changing landscape for mobility in the government workforce. The event began with insightful opening remarks from Wyatt Kash, Editorial Director for AOL Government. Kash addressed the changes that smart devices have brought to the way we connect and work andRead… Read more »

Experts Needed to help develop new information management certification

Reposted from our AIIM Community Blogs –! By Atle Skjekkeland, Vice President at AIIM International April 01, 2011 – 7:46 AM We have already several experts willing to help us on a number of topics, but would like some more experts for the below topics for an in-person workshop in Baltimore Tuesday, May 3,Read… Read more »

Mobile Government and Cybersecurity: Access Denied

Last week, I had the opportunity to host GovLoop’s web-based training session entitled, “Common Mobile Challenges and How to Overcome,” which featured insight from State Department’s Gary Galloway and Microsoft’s Steve White. We’re hosting the second in the series this Thursday: Register for Part 2: “Go Mobile, Be Secure, Improve Performance” During last week’s training,Read… Read more »

Local Govs Should Check Out Location Check-Ins

This week, location based service Foursquare announced its new features to enhance the social check-in experience. They also reiterated their vision to go beyond “a game built on check-ins” into “making cities easier to use.” Foursquare isn’t just trying to find out whether you’re at the coffee shop or a night club; they’re gaining insightRead… Read more »

Increase Transparency, Reach Mobile Devices with Video

When working with government web developers and communications professionals, I often hear that delivering government content to mobile devices is a key priority. It seems like an obvious necessity, especially as mobile device sales reach record highs. However, when it comes to actually implementing the tools and formats needed to achieve this, particularly with video,Read… Read more »

Arizona Looks to Pick Up Life-Saving LBS App that Connects Cardiac Arrest Victims, Volunteers

This morning I talked to the medical director for EMS and Trauma in Arizona, a state that’s been very progressive in seeking to reduce cardiac arrest deaths (they did the studies that showed simple compression-only CPR can be more effective than traditional methods). He told me that Arizona will be partnering with the San RamonRead… Read more »

Smartphone Payments = Future Changes to Micropurchase Payments?

Update: Half of the post was cut off for an unknown reason. That has been fixed and the entire post is present. Fun Stats in a Chart An interesting chart was shown yesterday morning on (The link is at the bottom so you’ll keep reading.) An chart yesterday shown on (the link isRead… Read more »

Mobile apps, online shopping and, um, government marketing?

I went to What’s Next DC today, a very cool online marketing conference (featuring GovLoop’s own Steve Ressler) and I was struck by the simplistic analysis that many of the presenters offered of “what’s working” in marketing. For instance, one presenter went on and on AND ON about how awesome and remarkable Best Buy isRead… Read more »

Mobile Virtual Platforms – Possible sea change

(PingBack to original post on There have been a few recent developments that have individually generated an aggregate reaction somewhat equivalent to “Meh” (although the specialty markets and analysts have been abuzz). However, taken together, I think they can form the platform basis for a Sea Change in mobile platforms. Of course, aRead… Read more »