Posts Tagged: mostcomment

UK’s Twitter Guide for Government

Originally published at the GenerationShift blog. Per this post from Neil Williams, head of corporate digital channels at the UK central government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), below is a “Template Twitter Strategy for Government Departments.” It’s a helpful document as it includes a very brief overview of Twitter, offers some objectives andRead… Read more »

Takeaway from OGI Conference: Trust as a Benefit from Social Media

One recurring theme I heard over the course of the two-day Open Government and Innovation Conference was trust. I believe it was David Wennergren from DoD who recommended Stephen M.R. Covey’s book “The Speed of Trust.” I haven’t read it yet but plan to, because I think the connection between social media and trust isRead… Read more »

“How do I approach building a personal brand when I have so many diverse interests?”

A few months ago I came across the work of an intelligent, generous human being in Silicon Valley named Rajesh Setty. He is doing some interesting work at a new site, TH!NKSULTING. I appreciated his recent answer to a question that was posed to him, “I am planning to write a book. Can we brainstormRead… Read more »

The Four “R”s for a PROductive Relationship: Be Respectful, Real, Responsible and Responsive

The Four “R”s for a PROductive Relationship: The Stress Doc presents a four step, “Four ‘R’” communicational guide for building successful “give and take” professional relationships. The Four “R”s are dramatically illustrated in his recent encounter with an ENT surgeon. Many of us “Boomers” grew up with an alliterative academic mantra as educational foundation, thatRead… Read more »

Life in the Trenches with Security for Security’s Sake

Being an IT dweeb, I work an internal Helpdesk occasionally. I’m on the receiving end of a lot of complaints about the websites the web-blocking software blocks. And they all ask me why. Sometimes I can take a good guess. Gambling, porno, hate speech, those are pretty easy to explain, even to upper management. ButRead… Read more »

How Innovators and Early Adopters Fail at the Technology Adoption Lifecycle

Cross-posted from my weblog The Design State There is a very robust and lively conversation about eGovernment being held by government employees online. A lot of great ideas for improving citizen access, transparency and data distribution are being tested and implemented. Unfortunately, there’s an even larger group of government employees, officials, and managers who aren’tRead… Read more »