Posts Tagged: analysis

Intelligence Analysis Methods in Scientific Literature

Intelligence analysis methods in scientific literature In a case study I recently completed I had the welcome opportunity to explore in more detail an interesting phenomenon in scientific publications: selective presentation of study results to scientific audience. The example below illustrates publication bias and multiple publication bias at its “best”. Whilst I do not underestimateRead… Read more »

Data Rich, Analysis Poor

Oakland has a new School Superintendent. I like him, partly because of the following statement he dropped at a meeting of the Youth Ventures Joint Powers Authority recently. All the city and county heavy-hitters were there, discussing the possibility of hiring an out-of-state firm to do a data report on Oakland. There was much debateRead… Read more »

3 Tips for Presenting Analysis

This past week I was able to attend a Management Concepts training offered by my Agency focused on presenting data analysis. This was a great three day training that if you ever have the opportunity to take I highly recommend. But as I know training dollars can be thin, I’m going to share some ofRead… Read more »

Passion for Datatelling

Once upon a time, in a far away land…wait, this isn’t some fairy tale about princes and princesses, but rather one where the hero (in this case me) gets to explain why great storytelling is the true art and future of all data analysis projects within government organizations, businesses, and non-profits. As I have saidRead… Read more »

7 Steps to Developing Great Leaders

A well-designed leadership development program is essential to identifying, attracting, filling, and retaining employee leadership. By using a consistent talent management program at all levels across the organization, future leaders are developed fruitfully. Leadership programs truly shape the success of business processes like hiring strategies, employee development, and career succession planning. Did you know thatRead… Read more »

Creating Strategic Foresight in Government

Does it make any sense for the government to think long term? One agency, NASA, developed a 200-year strategic plan, at one point. They engaged futurists and science fiction writers to help develop a plan for interplanetary exploration. Maybe it makes sense for NASA, but what about other agencies? Strategic foresight is not futurist forecasting,Read… Read more »

Sentiment Analysis Symposium call for speakers + free presentation videos

The Call for Speakers is open for the next Sentiment Analysis Symposium, slated for May 8, 2013 in New York. The New York symposium will be the 6th, covering solutions that measure and exploit emotions, attitudes, and opinions in online, social, and enterprise sources. We typically have both research/academic and business user presentations and participation.Read… Read more »

Policy Analysis is What Policy Analysts Do

What do policy analysts in government do (besides the cheeky definition above offered by Arnold Meltsner [1976: vii])? And more to the point, what do practicing policy analysts think they do, and what do they think they should be doing? In my recent dissertation research, I came at this question by asking practicing policy analystsRead… Read more »

Building an Analytics Culture

Using analytics to make better decisions is taking root in agencies across the government, notes a new report by the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center. The report explores how a dozen pioneers did it, and leaders from some of these organizations offer advice on how others can, as well. Investing in, andRead… Read more »