Posts Tagged: paradigm

New contest: can you describe a new start-up (or organization) without using ANY of these words?

I originally wrote this blog post because I have noticed, as the federal government has gotten more “startuppy,” the language in the articles covering Startup Gov enterprises has started to get more buzzwordtistic, more tech startup delirious. To the detriment of sense. We can stop this, people. We can, and we should, because at aRead… Read more »

Managing the Shift from a ‘Push’ to a ‘Pull’ Information Economy

One of the two implications of the paradigm shift I wrote about was the movement from an information economy in which providers pushed out their content to one in which consumers pulled it into their feed. This movement started with the advent of RSS feeds and has hit a high point in link shortening andRead… Read more »

DAUNTING CHALLENGES: Cultural Change | Paradigm Shifts

Recently on Twitter, a IT senior leader mentioned how daunting making change is today in any global enterprise. He invited me to share my views on leading cultural change and paradigm shifts based on the changes in progress in Enterprise Computing. It was impossible to respond in 140 characters :-), but I wrote a fewRead… Read more »

Government 1.0 + Government 1.0 = Government 2.0

What is Gov 2.0 and the future of government services delivery? Here are Gov 2.0 and the new government services delivery paradigm explained. Government 2.0 creates value for itself, Citizen 2.0, and Business 2.0, by leveraging Web 2.0, the new paradigm of rich, interactive, collaborative, web based services. How does Government 2.0 get started?

Deloitt Paradigm Model across four dimensions (Note to Adriel)

Great video Adriel, I was reading this Deloitt report addressing 2.0 and in it they make some great points. One thing that grabbed me is the table they provided showing a paradigm change: …the following section contrasts the difference between Government 1.0 and 2.0 across four dimensions: Operating Model Government 1.0 – Hierarchical, Rigid GovernmentRead… Read more »