Posts Tagged: IT

Cultural Diversity and What It Means to IT Managers

Recently I sat in on a meeting between a group of IT developers (contractors) and Federal program managers. Just a routine project review. As I looked around, it struck me that we were really quite a diverse crowd. In the room were people from China, Viet Nam, India, Russia, Somalia, Brazil, Puerto Rico, and Iran,Read… Read more »

What is the Cost of 1,000,000 TPS?

Suppose you are called into a meeting and asked to help with some quick planning estimates for a new IT system that is being proposed in response to an important and urgent White House initiative. The system will be used to collect and analyze massive amounts of real-time sensor data. Your boss says “we needRead… Read more »

Growing Government IT with Venture Capitalism

For those of us with a green thumb, we know that a plant needs water, good fertilizer, and a little love to nurture growth. In the government IT arena, the Govtech Fund is nurturing that growth. When looking at the private industry, the number of companies with venture capital entities backing new products is extensive.Read… Read more »

Is the Invisible Problem More Likely in IT?

We all understand how important it is to maintain frequent, open, and direct communications among IT project team members. In fact, one of the biggest challenges that managers face is in establishing and keeping these lines open. Challenges often arise because, it seems, many IT professionals tend to be introverted – shy about speaking up,Read… Read more »

Let’s Meet — In Person

Let’s assume that, as an IT leader and decision maker, you understand the importance of clear and efficient communications. Whether with superiors, subordinates, peers, vendors, or customers, good communications are a key ingredient to your success. And you’ve probably read or heard somewhere that 93% or some similar percentage of interpersonal communications are non-verbal; thatRead… Read more »

The Digital Service with Steve VanRoekel

Steve VanRoekel spent some three years as the federal Chief Information Office. He has now moved on to serve as chief innovation officer at USAID assisting with the administration’s response to the Ebola outbreak. In one of his last interviews as federal CIO, Steve joined me on The Business of Government Hour to reflect onRead… Read more »

Migrating to the Cloud

“The cloud.” It seems like some mysterious location that either floats above us or hangs over our heads, depending on how you look at it. What is the cloud? What are the advantages and disadvantages of migrating to cloud-based solutions? People refer to the cloud as if you should be able to find it viaRead… Read more »

10 Elements of Proper Data Management

In today’s world, data powers economic growth, enables the shared economy, creates new kinds of social interactions and delivers valuable business intelligence to organizations – all while driving increased productivity and efficiency. Analysis of data presents the opportunity to tackle some of the most challenging issues facing our society. It’s data that helps us understandRead… Read more »

Build a Strong Analytics Foundation at Your Agency

Imagine creating twice the amount of data of the entire printed collection of the Library Congress – every single day. That’s 19 terabytes of information – and it’s the amount that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) collects and produces every 24 hours. With so much data at the agency’s disposal, they have anRead… Read more »